Harbro is an Asset Management company focused on the Wealth Management segment, serving families, in the concept of "Multi Family Office". Our focus is mainly on managing resources outside of Brazil, which our clients seek as a way of geographic diversification and profitability of their assets. The company's main partners have extensive experience in the domestic and international financial markets, having invested proprietary and third-party resources for more than 20 years. Harbro Gestão de Recursos Ltda. was formed in October 2019 and was certified by the CVM (Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission) to provide Portfolio Management services in February 2020 (Declaratory Act 17667).




As an independent Asset Manager, we are aligned with our customers, always looking for the best products available in the market, impartially and at competitive costs. We work exclusively on the portfolio management model (managed accounts), where clients have their investments in the banks of their choice and the management of these portfolios is done individually and with personalized service, preferring the open platform. We do not have own funds under our management.